It’s truly time to kick it ‘n’ rip it, Cowboy Sailors…
Like everyone else, we are utterly blown away at the scale this event is shaping up to be. With over 113 boats and counting already entered across two series, now with less than four weeks to go, this event is one that you cannot afford to miss. Consequently, the whole team behind the 50th Hobie Nationals is chomping at the bit to get this thing underway, sooner rather than later. Check out the full entry list and all the latest news via the link below:
- How will the representatives from Team Australia shape up on home waters after their “training event” in Spain?
- Will the Hobie 16s reign supreme, or will the Hobie 14s and their “Age of Resurgence” dominate the hallowed waters of Jervis Bay?
- Who will be the sailors from this year’s Championship Tour that will be crowned legends? Or will we see a dark horse entry take the inevitable crown from one of our favourites?
Only time will tell…
The Notice of Race can be found via the link below:
For those not aware, all competitors in the 50th Hobie Nationals must be financial members of their affiliated State Association. If you are not already, please follow the link below, fill in your membership and solidify your spot at the greatest regatta of the Australian Summer!
If you have any questions, contact your State Association delegates HERE.
State Association Membership Form
Daily Communication
As sailors, we’re all aware that on the water, communication is key. On the land, that’s no different.
The NSWHCA will be utilising WhatsApp as a day-to-day medium for communicating key racing announcements, along with updates to the regatta’s social agenda, as per the Notice of Race.
Please make sure you have downloaded WhatsApp and your phone number is the same as what was included on your entry form. Please update the NSWHCA via Paddy at

Historic Hobie Sailing Photos and/or Albums WANTED
They say a picture says a thousand worlds. So, after 50 Years of the Australian Hobie Family absolutely sending it all around the world, there’s bound to be some memories worth sharing, right?!
For the 50th Hobie Nationals, we are calling ALL members of the Hobie Family to bring along their best photo albums, hard-drives or hard-copy photos as an opportunity to share and recall some of the greatest moments in the Hobie Family’s history. Maybe there’s some shots from past Nationals, or even a moment or two captured in the corner from the Baddie Regatta. All we can say is, no moment is off limits.
For those bringing photo albums, there’ll be a designated table at the Secret Sailor’s Bar for your memories to be shared. Additionally, the VSC Grommets will be putting together a large pinboard, so we encourage you to go ahead a print a bunch of photos to bring along.
For anyone needing pictures printed, email your memories through to Paddy at

Social Extravaganzas
We all know that Hobie Regattas aren’t just about sailing. And the 50th Hobie Nationals is no different. Having not gathered together in since the South Australian Nationals in North Haven during the Summer of 2018-19, not including the Western Australian Nationals of the Black Summer of 2019-20, the entirety of the Australian Hobie Family is well due for a catch-up.
Promoting our unique nature and flare for the extravagance, each day of Series 1 & 2 will have a theme to it (not inclusive preso’ night)
- Day 1: will entail sailors to wear their oldest and/or favourite sailing shirt from a previous Hobie event; whether it be a States, Nationals or Worlds.
- Day 2: it’s the ‘Age of the Resurgence’, and the art of Cowboy Sailing is returning to its former glory, as it was in the 70s. As such, the second day of racing will be dubbed: “Retro Cowboy Sailing”. Take the theme, and use it as you so desire.
- Day 3: will encompass Sailors coming dressed sporting matching outfits to their chosen sail. Campbell Weddell: time to bust out that white shirt of yours; and Andrew Warneke: make sure your white polo has some brown stains to match the Moreton Bay sludge.
- Day 4: all sailors must wear Hawaiian shirts; naturally.
Any sailor and/or spectator that chooses not to follow these strict uniform guidelines shall be met with the same ridicule as the members from Team Australia who failed to turn up to mandatory post-sailing debrief sessions, at the Hobie 16 Worlds in Spain. Go and ask Fletcher & Georgia…
Additionally, for those sailors that competed at the NSW Hobie 14, Women & Youth State Championships at the VSC in January, please remember to bring along your coloured wristbands (blue/red) so the Jervis Bay Brewing Co., & volunteers can identify you as competitors and not regular punters.

Online Notice Board for the Nationals
As a new addition to the 50th Hobie Nationals webpage, we’ve added an Online Notice Board for any messages that are needing to get out to the Hobie Family. If you, or someone you know, has a message regarding accommodation, spare parts, where to go out for dinner, what who’s house is locked in for kick-ons each night, this is the place to get your message up and running.
Please contact Paddy on 0448 586 532 if you have a message or notice for the Hobie Family.

Off the Beach Playlist
As seen during Totally Immersed TV’s ‘The Spain Files’, all Hobie Sailors have a song, a tune, an absolute banger that they want to listen as they head out to the race track. So, the mad geniuses behind the 50th Australian Hobie Cat Nationals would like YOUR ‘Off the Beach Song’ to add to the iconic 50th Hobie Nationals Playlist.
So, park up and have a long, hard think about what you would like to hear as you leave Plantation Point and onto Jervis Bay to race in the 50th Australia Hobie Cat Nationals.
NOTE: There is no limit as to how many times you can fill this form out.
Add your Anthem to the OTB Playlist
Vincentia Sailing Club’s ‘Round the Bay Rally’ – Boxing Day Spectacular
The Vincentia Sailing Sailing Club is thrilled to announce we will be holding the second edition of our famed ‘Round the Bay Rally’ on Boxing Day of 2022, officially becoming the VSC’s Boxing Day Spectacular! This day-long event will be an optimal opportunity for locals, visitors and the sailors competing in the 50th Australian Hobie Cat National Championships to explore some of the hidden gems that Jervis Bay has to offer.
The VSC will be holding a Holiday Celebration at the club that will commence as soon as the first boat reaches dry land, right in time for lunch to watch the start of the Sydney to Hobart. This celebration will also be a welcoming party for the sailors competing in the 50th Australian Hobie Cat National Championships.
With the same format as last years extraordinary expedition, this event will be open to all forms of ocean going craft. So if you don’t have a sailing vessel, please bring along your power boat and join in on the fun.
enter now!
Updated Accommodation Information
As we all know, the New Year Period is always the busiest, no matter where we are sailing; and Jervis Bay is no different.
One of the Jervis Bay locals, Jake de Rooy, has an airbnb called ‘Earthside Accommodation‘, and is leaving this open to any Hobie Sailor that is interested in staying in a Hobie Family certified home.
The Vincentia Sailing Club have done a bit of digging in the spare time and have found a bunch of wonderful places for all you Cowboys and Cowgirls to stay, all within walking distance of Plantation Point. So, if you’re still struggling to find a place to call home for the 50th Hobie Nationals, look no further than Jervis Bay Breaks.
Jenny is a well known throughout the Jervis Bay community, and is guaranteed to look after the Hobie Family.
At the time of press, all the following properties below are vacant from Boxing Day 2022. Book directly via Jervis Bay Breaks to ensure you receive the best deal possible. All properties can be viewed via Jenny’s website. Also, feel free to give Jenny a call on 0428 992 092.
- 8 Miller Street, Vincentia
- 4 Troubridge Drive, Vincentia
- 4 Towry Crescent, Vincentia
- 4/20 Anne Street, Vincentia
- 2 Foley Street, Vincentia
- 35 Illfracombe Avenue, Vincentia
- 21 Minerva Avenue, Vincentia
Additionally, check out Experience Jervis Bay, or give them a buzz on (02) 4441 7771 for a yarn.

Volunteer Information
If you are a Hobie Sailor, or have EVER been a Hobie Sailor, this is the event you cannot miss. Food and Drink will be provided whilst you are assisting as a volunteer, along with dinner and seating at the presentation of your corresponding series.
Series 1, playing host to the Hobie 16 Opens, Hobie 17s, Hobie 18s and Hobie 14 Turbos, is taking place from the 28th – 31st December, with the presentation and New Years Eve celebrations taking place at the Vincentia Country Club.
Series 2, however, will see the Hobie 14 Opens, Hobie 16 Women & Youth, Dragoons, Tigers and Wildcats hit the water for four epic days fo racing from the 2nd – 5th of January, with presentation taking place once again at the Vincentia Country Club.
We’re looking forward to catching up, sharing a yarn, and a beverage or two at the most spectacular Australian Hobie Cat National Championships we will see for the next 50 years.
If you are interested in joining the team, fill out all sections of the form below to help VSC gain an understanding of who might be joining them in the running and organisation of this fabulous event.
Volunteer Here