Author Archives: Susan Ghent

1977 H14s At Nedlands

Hobie 14’s Return to the Wild West After 30 Years

This weekend will be the first Hobie 14 WA State Championships since 1993. Still hugely popular around the world, the Hobie 14 just took a bit of a break in Western Australia, but this season the class is making its big comeback. A healthy fleet of 55 boats raced at the 50th Australian Championship with…

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Rockingham ’23 – The WA Hobie 16 States Match Report

Colourful and fast in the Hobie 16 fleet as WA turns on some great conditions. What a weekend it was in Perth for the 2023 Hobie 16 WA State Championships. The racing was close, fast and exciting and the Hobie 16’s certainly put on a great show with the course taking the full length of…

Colourful And Spectacular Racing Image Kathy Miles

Hot Line-up from Around the Country for the WA Hobie 16 Championship

Hot line up from around the country for the Hobie 16 WA Championship. Situated just a short drive south of Perth, the waters of Cockburn Sound will be a flurry of colour this weekend when The Cruising Yacht Club hosts the 2023 Hobie 16 WA State Championships. Racing will be held in the bay within…