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2024 President’s Report

Hobie Sailors!

Well, it’s been a busy year on the Australian Hobie scene! As I’m sure you’re all busy with the sailing season, it’s a good time to recap on the year. 

Starting the year we were up in Manly, Brisbane at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron for a fantastic Nationals. Held over two series in sometimes inhumane humidity, we got the full range of conditions on the water. The Queensland Association and RQYS ran the event superbly, and made sure there was plenty of socialising. Congratulations to all the competitors, friends & family for attending the event. 

At the ANHCA AGM held during the Nationals, a special mention must go to Georgia Warren-Myers who was elected to the position of South Pacific Regional Chairman to the International Hobie Cat Association (IHCA). Georgia has a long and decorated history in the Hobie class as a sailor whilst also holding a number of association positions over the years. The position coordinates the South Pacific national associations and works closely with the IHCA on all things Hobie Cat. The ANHCA thanks Kevin (Kevlar) Winchester for his many years of service in the role. 

Of course, there’s been plenty of State Championships happening throughout the year and we’ve had a number of separate regattas that’ve seen lots of Hobie participation. Key to this has been the Championship Tour rankings. Thanks to Paddy Butler for looking after the CT tour keeping an eagle eye on all the competitors across the country. In addition, Paddy has been prolific on the media front which has been awesome. 

We’ve seen a number of proposed and implemented rule changes across a number of Hobie classes this year. At the start of the year we had the IHCA endorse updated rules for the H18 class followed by proposals for the H14 & H16 classes which are under consideration. Whilst Hobie’s are a strict one-design class, it’s important to remember that the rules can evolve using a strict process of review. Member’s feedback is really important in the process and for the IHCA Rules Committee when considering changes. 

During the winter months, Cam & Suz investigated the possibility of a South Australian Nationals for the 2025/26 season. We received a formal submission of interest to host our Nationals from Adelaide Sailing Club. After considering expected entrant numbers, local support and finances, it was decided that the proposed SA nationals presented too much risk to the associations. It’d be great one day to return to South Australia but we are heading to WA next season instead, then back to NSW for 2026/27.

